[Salon] Zelensky will be murdered by his military command


Zelensky will be murdered by his military command

This is the punch line that I was allowed to deliver last night on air at the conclusion of a twenty-minute panel discussion of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam on “The Spotlight,” Press TV (Iran).

Evacuations underway in Ukraine after dam blast causes massive flooding

My logic in saying this is that the current rate of loss of men and materiel in the ongoing Ukrainian “counter-offensive” is unsustainable and is bleeding their armed forces white.

Two days ago Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported to the nation on the results of the first three days of that counter-offensive:  3,615 Ukrainian soldiers were dead and large quantities of tanks, including the newly arrived German Leopards, aircraft, helicopters, armored personnel carriers were destroyed. The Russians lost a total of 72 dead and 130 wounded.  That juxtaposition of losses tells us that for the Russian side this was like shooting herrings in a barrel. 

Yesterday, Russian armed forces spokesman General Konashenkov announced that the results of the latest day of battle were another 750 dead Ukrainians.

All of this brings us back to the Russian calculations at the very outset of the Special Military Operation that the Ukrainian military would respond by throwing off the yoke of the neo-Nazi controlled civilian government in order to save the nation.

That initial assumption immediately proved to be false, as we know. To their pain, the Russians found that the radical nationalists had a chokehold on the military, which they had infiltrated when the Azov battalion and other radical paramilitaries were incorporated into the main army.

However, many of these neo-Nazis and other radical nationalists died in the defense of Mariupol and in other lost causes over the past year. And now the senior professional military in Ukraine is faced with a threat not to the nation but to the continued existence of an army as it is being slaughtered in a hopeless “counter-offensive” thrust upon it by Zelensky and his Western backers to justify further funding and arms deliveries.

This is not tenable.

Zelensky may have U.S. security guards around him, but nothing can hold back a palace coup.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023

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